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The #1 AI-powered transcription app that smartly formats your audio.

Say goodbye to unreadable transcriptions. Meet VoxScribe - the #1 transcription app that formats your audio in a way that just makes sense.


VoxScribe uses cutting-edge AI to transcribe your audio and video files.

Smart Formatting

VoxScribe's AI transcribes and formats your content, making it instantly readable. Bye messy transcripts!

Free, Forever

VoxScribe is free and open-source. No hidden fees, no subscriptions. Just transcribe and format.

See in action

Why Readability Matters

Without VoxScribe

Unformatted, messy transcription:

yeah so um like I was saying the other day you know it's really important to uh to focus on on the key aspects of of the project and and make sure that we're we're hitting all the right notes you know what I mean like we can't just we can't just go in there half-cocked we gotta we gotta have a plan and and execute it flawlessly you know what I'm saying and and that's that's really the key to success in in this business you gotta you gotta be on top of your game 24/7 no no room for error...

With VoxScribe AI

Formatted and readable transcription:

Yeah, so um, like I was saying the other day, you know:
It's really important to:

Focus on the key aspects of the project
• Make sure that we're hitting all the right notes

You know what I mean? Like:

• We can't just go in there half-cocked
• We gotta have a plan
• Execute it flawlessly

You know what I'm saying? And that's really the key to success in this business:

• You gotta be on top of your game 24/7
• No room for error...

Why Choose VoxScribe?

Efficient Transcription

VoxScribe makes your transcripts faster to read and understand. With formatted text, you can quickly spot key points and grasp what's going on, saving you time and mental energy.

Open Source

VoxScribe is open source, so you can see exactly how your data is being processed. This allows you to trust the platform and know exactly what you're getting.

Accurate Transcriptions

Get nearly 100% accurate transcripts thanks to OpenAI's Whisper model. VoxScribe ensures that your audio is transcribed with high precision.

How VoxScribe Works



Drop your audio or video file into VoxScribe.


AI Transcribe

Our AI accurately transcribes your content in minutes.



VoxScribe's AI formats the transcript for easy reading.



Fine-tune the transcript to perfection.